

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Getting back on it - New Adventure

It's been a while and I have to get back in the saddle.  It's been a rough few years and now we have a nice pandemic to shut things down and make everyone's life even tougher.  Here's my new adventure.  I'll do my best to get something up weekly.
For those that haven't kept tabs on my life for the past few years, I'll try to get things updated so you can follow along.  The following is from my FB and linked-in post.  My twitter and insta are @ak_pilotswife

In all this chaos many CRNAs are out of jobs. When you are a full-time locum and no one is doing elective surgeries there is no work.
Many of you know that I'm very patriotic and always wish I had served in the military. Through an awesome ex-military contact who recommended me, I have accepted a 90-day civilian deployment to Kwajalein.
Kwaj has a unique military history and I'm excited to be headed to serve all of the people who work and live on the nearby islands. I wish I could take Todd and Ranger with me.
This is a picture of the island I will be on. Its only 6 square miles. I will be providing emergency anesthesia services when necessary and the only anesthesia provider for a couple thousand miles (No pressure).
My cell phone will not work, but internet-based apps like house party, email, Facebook, and Marco polo will. If you need my email give a shout if you'd like to stay in touch.
Hoping this virus does not come to the islands. I have been trying to stay healthy and away from others. I leave April 12. Keep in touch everyone.

Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor, water and nature