

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Xterra Hammerman Triathlon 2017

I LOVE this race!  Ever since moving to Alaska I try to do this race every year.  I've done many races throughout the years and this is my favorite.  The Alaska Triathlon Club and Andy Duenow put on a spectacular event.  It's a great course and a low key fun day!  So many races are just too full with race directors trying to make as much money as possible.  If I never do another one of those I'll be happy.  There should be more races like this.

For those of you that don't know the race is an 800m swim in little campbell lake, a 13 or so mile trail ride on fun single tracks for the bike and the run is a challenging hilly course of about 4 miles. 

Before I get to the pictures I just want to share a few things about racing in general.  Here's a short list of my thoughts.

1.  Don't be a snob!  Don't judge people by their bike, clothes, size, skin color, sex, etc.  They may just whip your ass!  Triathlon is all inclusive and one of the things that separates it from other sports.  There are plenty of snob sports, let's not turn this one into another one.

2.  Thank the volunteers!  Volunteers are what makes these races go.  You're not so awesome or racing so hard that when you pass a water station you don't have time to say "thanks for volunteering". 

3.  Be a volunteer!  After you volunteer you learn to thank the volunteers.  These people give up their time so they can help you be able to do a race.  If we all volunteered for just one race a year that would be great.

4.  Be nice!  Triathlon is a very encouraging sport.  When you pass someone say "good job".  It's just part of it.  Encourage people it makes you and them feel good.

Ok that's my short list.  Triathlon and off-road triathlon is a great sport.  Tri it! :)

Here are some hammerman pictures for your enjoyment.

Me showing Todds place in the family competition

Todd coming in strong on the run
Exiting the water
Transition 2
Todd coming out of the water
Todd coming off the bike to T2
All smiles before the swim

Me and My coach pre race
Pre Race shenanigans

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