

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Proven Assumptions

So this is just a quick opinion on a previous assumption that I made years ago that proved to be true to me this week.  Had a great day the other day.  Sold our old phones and got some cash for them.  It wasn't much, but it is better than letting them sit around the house.  That was the good part.  The interesting part is we ended up at Gamestop to do this selling.  So probably spent an hour in there waiting, etc.  So here comes my generalization.   Adult men who play video games are losers!  I very rarely have seen a very responsible, driven, successful ADULT man who plays video games.  I'm not saying there can't be a possibility of one, but I'd say it's a very slim percentage of these gamers.  I mean talk about the weirdos I saw in this place.  First of all, they were all overweight.  Can you say no social skills??  I wish I could describe the social interactions I witnessed.  This one guy wanted to buy this game.  You could have sworn it was going to explode in his hand.  I actually interrupted my transaction to let this guy go because I thought he was going to go postal if he didn't get his game right then.  When I did this do you think he said thank you?  Nope, not even a response really, just "I must check out, I must checkout".  After he was gone it was a little comical.  Until then I was a little uncomfortable and hoping he wasn't armed.  As for the other people in there....a few kids of course and all the other adult men in there were for the most part short, out of shape and sloppy looking.  The whole time I was there I never saw a decent looking, well dressed man....oh wait those guys were probably at work.

So why did I pick this today?  I have experience with an adult gamer in my past and I thought it was just my experience.  You know how it come home from working hard all day and there is nothing done at your house, but there has been time to play hours and hours of video games??? What I realized by this is that many more people are living with overgrown children who waste hours of what could be quality family time, work time, even relaxing time playing expensive games which burn no more calories than sitting on the couch watching TV and probably kills more brain cells than we can count. 

Games are for kids!  I think kids can learn and develop parts of their little brains playing games occasionally.  I stress occasionally!!!  After the college years you should hang up the game controller.  I think it's a super turn off too.  I mean who wants to go out on a date with a guy and you talk about what you do in your spare time and he says "I play video games".  I don't think I could hide the disappointment in my face if I heard that.  Do any other ladies find this a big TURN OFF?  Just a bit of advice to those guys.  If you want to ever get a date or have a long term relationship with an intelligent woman you may wanna donate those games to some kid who won't look like an asshat playing them. 

Ok I just couldn't help do this little rant.  Definitely not my normal, but I just had to share this experience.  This video pretty much sums up the cast of characters that were in the store.  Enjoy


  1. I would have self combusted had I walked into that store. Amen and amen. I still harbor a certain sense of ire, spite, and pity at this particular version of manchild.

  2. I would have self combusted had I walked into that store. Amen and amen. I still harbor a certain sense of ire, spite, and pity at this particular version of manchild.
